ISNH/ISRP 2014 - Call for Abstracts Extended

发布时间:2013-11-06 字体大小 T |T
Dear Colleague,

We would like to announce that the deadline for Call for Abstracts has been extended to 15 DECEMBER 2013. Furthermore, we are very happy for you to provide a title for your ISNH/ISRP paper along with authors and a preference for the 1 or 4 page format (Intention to Submit) if you do not have time or the final data for your submission.

Express your interest in ISNH / ISRP 2014 by December 15! Please note that this date is now your absolute deadline for this information.

Submission of your abstract by this date will assist us with developing the best possible scientific program for you.

Final 4 page papers must be submitted by March 13 2014. Final 1 page papers must be submitted by May 1 2014.

Abstracts must be submitted online via the conference website by 15 December 2013. Please read the instructions available on the conference website before submitting your abstract.

To submit an expression of interest click here -

For further information on submission of expressions of interest for paper submission please visit the conference website -

Enquiries regarding expressions of interest for paper submission should be directed to the Conference Secretariat at or call +61 2 9254 5000.

Kind regards,
ISNH / ISRP 2014 Conference Secretariat

ISNH / ISRP 2014 Conference Secretariat
ICMS Australasia Pty Ltd
GPO Box 3270
Sydney NSW 2001
T: +61 2 9254 5000